
offlane, 4,5
Eastern Time (US & Canada)
My name is Amanda Wong. I have been playing Dota since version 1.24b. Any old school players will know what I’m talking about ;). My favorite roles are offlane, support and occasionally mid. When I’m not glued to the computer, I enjoy cooking for company, Landscaping/horticulture and Permaculture . I try to raise awareness of sustainable living whenever i can. The road to becoming a professional player is long and difficult, but with nothing ventured, there is nothing gained! I know i have a long way to go before i might be involved with a top tier team but ill have fun sharing the adventure with all my friends and supporters. GL HF everyone! ^_^
Hey there, I tried adding you on steam but your friends list is full.. could you please add me? Thursday evening doesn't work for us. We can likely do Sunday evening. Let me know how that fits for your team. Thanks.

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Ecclesiazusae (Inactive)


5 Midas Gaming

dotp.exe (Inactive)

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Solo Tourney 1

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